New Book on the Heritage in History Education

The volume Heritage in History Education, edited by Anu Kannike, Mare Oja, Tiiu Kreegipuu and Andres Andresen, sets out to support history teachers and university teacher trainers in understanding and addressing cultural heritage issues in history teaching.

Press release and book cover.

The book is accessible here: (

Call for Papers for the IJHEC 2025

The Call for Papers for the 2025 issue of the International Journal of History Education and Culture (IJHEC) is open now, with the leading theme of “History and Its Discontents: Theory and Practice, Stories from the Classroom”. Following the ISHD 2024 conference in Providence, we suggest three sub-topics within the leading theme: 1) History Education on Trial… 2) Across the Great Divide… 3) Academic Freedom and History Education… Please find more details of the call in the “IJHEC journal” section and here.

Ágnes F. Dárdai’s event in Budapest

At the Research Centre for the Humanities: Institute of History Budapest (Hungary) a solemn event was organized on behalf of the 70th birthday of prof.  Ágnes Fischer Dárdai, the founder of the History Didactical movement in Hungary. Apart form being a core member of the ISHD for a long time, prof. Dárdai is also the Chief Editor of the Történelemtanítás online history didactical journal, and the main protagonist of history didactics in Hungary. During the event, a greeting letter from prof. Joanna Wojdon, the President of the International Society for History Didactics to prof. Dárdai was read out by the Member of the ISHD Board Barnabás Vajda. You may find some photos from the event in the ‘gallery‘ section of our website.

‘Making Visegrad Histories Digital’ Wroclaw, Poland, 18-21 July 2024

The main aim of international project ‘Making Visegrad Histories Digital’ is to develop online students’ materials to teach post-1945 history of the Visegrad countries.

The project held its actual meeting on July 18–21, 2024 at the Library of the University of Wroclaw, Poland. The project that has been managed and run by the EuroClio and Juraj Varga, CEDIN, brought together some thirty members involved in the project, coordinators, advisors, history teacher authors, evaluators, historians, and reviewers from Poland, Czechia, Slovakia, and Hungary.

At this particular occasion, the event included a very strong cooperation of teachers and historians and history didacticians, represented by Associate prof. Éva Petrás (NEB, Committee of National Remembrance, Budapest), Richárd Fodor (Hungarian Historical Society Teacher’s Division, Budapest), Dr. Łukasz Kamiński and Dr. Franciszek Dabrowski (Instytut Pamięci Narodowej), project advisor Ute Boeros, and others.

The project has had an ISHD involvement, since Prof. Joanna Wojdon, President of the ISHD and Barnabás Vajda, Member of the ISHD Board as Historian Project Advisor for the Hungarian Historical Society have also been members of the project team.

You may find some photos of the event in the ‘gallery’ section.