2023 August 23-25 : Tallinn (Estonia)

Venue: Tallinn University, School of Humanities

Theme: Heritage in History Education

The conference was organized by the Tallinn University, School of Humanities in Tallinn, Estonia, with cooperation of Tartu University, Institute of History and Archeology.

Please find the Call for Papers here.

Please find the conference programme here.

Please find practical information here.

2022 August 21-27 : Poznań (Poland)

The ISHD conference 2022 took place within the framework of the XXIIIrd Congress of the International Committee of Historical Sciences (CISH/ICHS) in Poznań (Poland). ISHD is a member organization of CISH/ICHS and presented three ISHD sessions at this world conference and co-organized a Joint Session.

  • Joint Session with the International Standing Conference for the History of Education (ISCHE): 'Modernization' and 'modernity' in the history of history education (organizers: Susanne Popp, Augsburg, and Eckhardt Fuchs, GEI, Braunschweig). Please find the Call for Papers for the Joint Session here.
  • ISHD session I: How should history education respond to the arrival of the Anthropocene Era? (organizers: Harry Haue, Odense, and Terry Haydn, Norwich). Please find the Call for Papers for the Joint Session here.
  • ISHD session II: History education and public history (organizers: Markus Furrer, Lucerne, and Joanna Wojdon, Wrocław). Please find the Call for Papers for the Joint Session here.
  • ISHD session III: Progressive narratives in the post-Cold War era (organizers: Markus Furrer, Lucerne, and Barnabas Vajda, Komárno). Please find the Call for Papers for the Joint Session here.

2021 September 16-18 : Lucerne (Switzerland)

Theme: Why History Education?

Conference Programme (September 2021)

Call for Papers (closed)


2019 September 9-11 : Tutzing (Germany)

Venue: Politische Akademie Tutzing

Theme: Migration and History Education

Conference Programme 1 (September 2019)

Conference Programme 2 (September 2019)

Call for Papers (closed)


2018 October 10-12 : Gatineau / Ottawa (Canada)

Theme: Agency, Citizenship and Historical Thinking: Empirical Research

Conference Programme (August 2018)

Call for Papers (closed)


2017 September 13-15 : Vanderbijlpark (Republic of South Africa)

This conference was focusing on the topic 'History from the Core to Zero Gravity' and was organized as a joint conference of the ISHD and the South African Society for History Teaching (SASHT).

Conference Programme (July 2017)



2016 August 29-31 : Trabzon (Turkey) Conference Cancelled

We deeply regret that we had to announce the cancellation of the conference on history teaching education in Trabzon, which was planned to take place from 29-31 August. The Board wants to thank our host, Prof. Dr. İsmail Demircioğlu, for his efforts in the organization and hopes that we will be able to convene a conference in Trabzon in the future.

2015 August 23-29 : Jinan (China)

In combination with the XXIIth CISH conference (http://www.cish.org/congres/congres_2015.htm).

2014 September 8-10 : Wrocław (Poland)

Theme: History and Edutainment

2014 conference of ISHD focused on history and edutainment - i.e. a combination of education and entertainment in any of its forms (including e.g. computer and board games, films, museums, historical and archeological picnics and battle reconstructions, historical magazines and TV programs, entertaining materials and activities in the school classrooms etc.). The goal of the conference was to investigate different aspects of the phenomenon of historical edutainment

2013 September 16-18 : Tutzing (Germany)

Theme: Colonialism, decolonization and post-colonial historical perspectives – Challenges for History Didactics and history teaching in a globalizing world.

Colonialisme - décolonisation - perspectives postcoloniales: des défis pour la didactique et l'enseignement de l'histoire dans le contexte de la mondialisation

Kolonialismus, Dekolonisierung, postkoloniale Perspektiven. Herausforderungen für die Didaktik der Geschichte und den Geschichtsunterricht im Kontext der Globalisierung

Conference Report
Conference Programm

2012 June 25-27 : Kazan (Russia)

Theme: Cultural and religious diversity and the implications for history education. Kulturelle und religiöse Vielfalt und ihre Auswirkungen auf den Geschichtsunterricht. La diversité culturelle et religieuse et ses implications pour l’enseignement de l’histoire

2011 September 12-14 : Basel (Switzerland)

Venue: Pedagogic College of North-West Switzerland. Office of Coordination of the Swiss Societies for History Didactics

Theme: From historical research to school history: problems, relations, challenges. De la recherche historique à l’histoire scolaire: Problèmes, relations, défis. Geschichtswissenschaft und Schulunterricht: Probleme, Beziehungen, Herausforderungen

2010 August 22-28 : Amsterdam (The Netherlands)

Within the program of the 20th International Congress of Historical Sciences - ICHS - CISH.

2009 September : Braunschweig (Germany)

Venue: Georg-Eckert-Institut für Internationale Schulbuchforschung

Theme: Analyzing Textbooks: Methodological Issues. Schulbuchanalyse: Fragen zur Methodologie. L'analyse des manuels: questions méthodologiques

2008 September 8-10 : Tutzing (Germany)

Venue: Akademie für politische Bildung.

Theme: Empirical Research on History Learning. Empirische Forschung zum historischen Lernen. Recherche empirique sur l'apprentrisage de l'histoire

2007 September 19-21 : Thessaloniki (Greece)

Venue: Aristoteleio Panepistimio Thessalonikis

Theme: Public uses of history. Geschichte in der öffentlichen Argumentation. Usages publics de l'histoire.

2006 September 28-30 : Tallinn (Estonia)

Theme: Historical Consciousness – Historical Culture. Geschichtsbewusstsein – Geschichtskultur.  Conscience historique – Culture historique

2005 July 3-9 : Sydney (Australia)

Within the 19th International Congress of Historical Sciences in Sydney. Main session: Textbooks from the Narrative of the Nation to the Narrative of the Citizen. Moderator: Masao Nishikawa, Japan. Sessions of the ISHD: 1. Teaching and Learning World History - the Global Challenge. Moderator: Luigi Cajani, Rome, Italy. 2. The View on the Other in History Teaching (textbook/teachers) Moderator: Elisabeth Erdmann, Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany.

2004 September 20-24 : Rabat (Morocco)

Venue: Université Mohammed V – Souissi.

Theme: Rencontre de l'histoire et rencontre de l'autre : L'enseignement de l'histoire comme dialogue interculturel.

2003 September 16-20 : Tutzing (Germany)

Venue: Akademie für politische Bildung

Theme: Möglichkeiten des stufenbezogenen Geschichtsunterrichts im internationalen Vergleich - Erfahrungen und Visionen.