General Information

The International Journal of Research on History Didactics, History Education, and History Culture. Yearbook of the International Society for History Didactics (JHEC) is the official journal of the International Society for History Didactics. The journal is issued once a year and publishes peer reviewed papers in English. The abstracts are tri-lingual (English, French, German). The journal continues the former journal of the ISHD, which was published as “Yearbook – Jahrbuch – Annales. Journal of the International Society for History Didactics”.

All submissions undergo a double-blind peer-review process with no regard to author’s race, nationality, gender or political views. Two peer-reviewers are chosen for each article from the experts in its subject area. The peer-reviewer cannot submit a paper to be considered for publication in the issue where they evaluate papers. The authors are not charged any publication fees. All submissions must be original work and cannot be previously published nor considered for publishing elsewhere during the peer-review process. Each author should submit a statement assuring the originality of his/her work. It is the duty of the author(s) to take responsibility for the scientific accuracy of their research. They are responsible for ensuring copyright clearance for any illustrations included. In the case of any form of research misconduct, such as plagiarism, citation manipulation, and data falsification/fabrication, among others, the editorial board will not publish the paper and will inform the author’s institution of the issues arising from the submission.


erihplus_logo_2textlines_180px  The JHEC (Print ISSN: 1608-8751) is included in the the European Reference Index for the Humanities and the Social Sciences (ERIH PLUS) since 2015.

Since June 2017 the journal is also accepted for inclusion in SCOPUS. SCOPUS is one of the largest abstract and citation databases of peer-reviewed literature.


Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement


Current Call for Papers

Call for Papers for the 2018 issue of JHEC will be announced in September, 2017.

Editorial guidelines:
Notes for contributors
Style sheet
Reviewer’s form


Editors and Advisory Board

The journal is edited by the board of the Society.

Managing editor:

Prof. Dr. Joanna Wojdon
Uniwersytet Wrocławski (Poland)

Academic advisory board:

Prof. Dr. Daniel Moser-Léchot – Chair (Universität Bern, Switzerland)
Prof. Dr. Arja Virta (Turku, Finland)
Prof. Dr. Karl P. Benziger (Rhode Island College, Providence, USA)
Prof. Dr. Alexander S. Khodnev (Yaroslavl State University, Russia)
Prof. Dr. Takahiro Kondo (Waseda University, Japan)
Prof. Dr. David Lefrançois (Université du Québec en Outaouais, Canada)
Prof. Dr. Zhongjie Meng (East China Normal University, China)
Prof. Dr. Robert J. Parkes (University of Newcastle, Callaghan, Australia)
Prof. Dr. Kaat Wils (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium)

Current issue

The current issue deals with two main topics: Nostalgia in historical consciousness and culture and Developing creative interactions of local, national, and global topics of history education. Find more information on the homepage of the publisher. Find here the abstracts.


Nostalgia in Historical Consciousness and Culture / Developing Creative Interactions of Local, National and Global Topics of History Education



The current issue or subscription can be ordered at

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Back issues are available on an open access basis from Wochenschau Verlag under


Self-archive policy

12 months after the publication of the articles in the print version of the journal, it additionally will be published via open access by the Wochenschau Verlag publishing house (URL: After the open access publication the articles can be archived in institutional or funder repositories immediately.

Authors may self-archive the author’s accepted manuscript of their articles on their own websites. Authors may also deposit this version of the article in any repository, provided it is only made publicly available 12 months after the print publication or later. He/she may not use the publisher’s version (= the printed version of the final article), which is posted on URL:

Furthermore, the author may only post his/her version provided acknowledgement is given to the original source of publication and a link is inserted to the published article on Wochenschau Verlag’s website (URL:


History of the Journal

The tradition of the journal goes back to the year 1980. From 1980 until 2000, “Information, Informationen, Informations” was published with two issues a year. Editors were Karl Pellens, Raphael de Keyser, Henri Moniot and Karl Pellens. All issues are available online at

In 2001, the journal changed its name to  “Yearbook, Jahrbuch, Annales” and was now published once a  year (since 2004 by Wochenschau Verlag, Schwalbach). Susanne Popp was responsible editor from 2005 two 2011 and developed the double-blind peer review process. Since 2012, Joanna Wojdon has been responsible editor.


Back issues

Yearbook 2015 – International Journal of Research on History Didactics, History Education, and History Culture

History and Edutainment

L’Histoire et Edutainment

Geschichte und Edutainment

Table of contents



Yearbook 2014

Colonialism, Decolonisation and Post-colonial Historical Perspectives – Challenges for History Didactics and History Teaching in a Globalising World

Kolonialismus, Dekolonisierung, postkoloniale Perspektiven. Herausforderungen für die Didaktik der Geschichte und den Geschichtsunterricht im Kontext der Globalisierung

Colonialisme; décolonisation et perspectives postcoloniales; défis pour la didactique et l’enseignement de l’histoire dans le contexte de la mondialisation


Yearbook 2014 - Cover


Yearbook 2013

Cultural and religious diversity and its implications for history education

Kulturelle und religiöse Vielfalt und ihre Auswirkungen auf den Geschichtsunterricht

La diversité culturelle et religieuse et ses implications pour l’éducation historique


Cover of Yearbook 2013


Yearbook 2012

From historical research to school history: problems, relations, challenges

Von der Geschichtswissenschaft zum Schulunterricht: Probleme, Beziehungen, Herausforderungen

De la recherche historique a l’histoire scolaire: problemes, relations, défis

Cover of Yearbook 2012


Yearbook 2011

Analyzing textbooks: methodological issues

Schulbuchanalyse: Fragen zur Methodologie

L’analyse des manuels: questions methodologiques

Cover of Yearbook 2011


Yearbook 2010

Empirical Research on History Learning

Empirische Forschung zum Historischen Lernen

Recherche empirique sur l´apprentissage de l´listoire

Cover of Yearbook 2010


Yearbook 2008/2009

History teaching in the crossfire of political interests

Geschichtsunterricht im politischen Kreuzfeuer

L’Enseignement de l’histoire sous les feux croises de la politique


Yearbook 2006/2007

Historical Consciousness – Historical Culture

Geschichtsbewusstsein – Geschichtskultur

Conscience historique – Culture historique


Yearbook 2005


Yearbook 2004