Statutes of the International Society for History Didactics
Par. 1
(1) The INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR HISTORY DIDACTICS is a professional association of those concerned with the initial and in-service training of history teachers.
(1a) The aim of the Association is to work exclusively for the common good.*
(2) The Society's purpose is to advance the study of history didactics as a scholarly discipline by means of the mutual exchange of bibliographical information, research findings, ideas about the subject, teaching materials, syllabuses and any other relevant information.
Par. 2
The aims of the Society will be accomplished principally by means of projects. Such projects can be:
(a) conferences with various objectives; some might be organised on a regional basis;
(b) the publication of communications and contributions to a scholarly periodical which offers space to the Society;
(c) the publication of an international bibliography of publications, curricula and teaching materials;
(d) the publication of an International Handbook for History Didactics;
(e) international exchanges particularly amongst the younger generation of those involved in the training of history teachers;
(f) the negotiation of international collaboration between the institutions of participating countries, including the exchange and joint development of teaching projects;
(g) the establishment of a centre for documentation;
(h) co-operation in the development of national and regional groups for the study of history didactics;
(i) stimulation of and support for research projects concerned with history didactics.
Par. 3
(1) In order to realise is aims, the Society seeks to collaborate with academic institutions. It will strive to secure the necessary resources for the implementation of its projects, and it hopes to enlist the aid of is members in framing proposals for financial support.
(2) It seeks co-operation with professional associations, with international institutions of learning and with relevant government departments in improving research and the initial and in-service training of teachers in all sectors of higher education, while also advancing history teaching in schools and the historical education of the general public.
(3) The Society is ready to co-operate with persons and institutions pursuing the same aims, particularly in the fields of research into historical, geographical and political education.
(I) The activities of the Association are not concerned with self-aggrandisement and do not exist to further the material interests of members.
(II) The resources of the Association may only be used for purposes sanctioned by the constitution. Members of the Association will not receive financial contributions from it.
(III) No person may be compensated for expenditure used contrary to the aims of the Association or for unreasonably high expenses.
Par. 4
(1) The Board shall decide upon the admission of new members. Any candidate for membership whose application is rejected by the Board may appeal to the General Assembly.
(2) Unless there are quite exceptionally pressing circumstances, any member who has to be reminded twice that he has not paid his subscription during two consecutive years, shall cease to be a member. The cost of having to send reminders will also be charged to him.
Par. 5
The Society's institutions shall be the General Assembly and the Board.
Par. 6
(1) The General Assembly shall decide upon the cost of subscriptions and upon matters concerned with the regulations. It shall also discharge the old Board and elect the new Board from which the President and Vice-President of the Society are drawn.
(2) The Board shall convene the General Assembly every two or three years preferably in conjunction with an important academic conference.
(3) The General Assembly shall be competent to pass resolutions if 25% of the members are present. Additionally, postal votes, addressed to the President, are permissible.
(4) A two-third majority of all is members shall be required for the dissolution of the Society. Members who are unable to attend the General Assembly may submit a postal vote.
(5) If the Association is dissolved or ceases to exist or if is declares purposes cease to be applicable, the monies of the Association shall become the property of the International Red Cross. **
Par. 7
(1) The Board shall consist of seven members. No nation may occupy the majority of places on the Board.
(2) The General Assembly shall elect the Board members after a period of no more than four years. Re-election is permissible.
(3) The General Assembly shall elect from among the members of the Board, the President, who is responsible for the Society's external relations, and the Vice-President, who supports the President and deputizes for him/her as necessary.
(4) The elections under 2. and 3. may be arranged by correspondance. In this occasion the votes ought to be send to the person who beforehand is choosen to be the leader of the election.
Par. 8
The Society shall be based in the same town in which the President is employed.
Agreed in Tutzing, 4.3.1980
with supplements in force since 1st August 1982.
* the intention of the section ‘Entitled to Income Tax Relief' incorporates the regulations of the Federal German Republic.
** there for an Association which receives preferential treatment for taxation purposes.